Изглед тржишта кокосових масних киселина покрива нову пословну стратегију са предстојећом могућношћу 2029.

1650130431 ФМИ 10 | eTurboNews | еТН

Coconut Fatty Acids Market: Outlook


Coconut fatty acids are different types of fatty acids that are derived from coconut oil. Coconut fatty acids majorly contain lauric acid, and also other saturated fatty acids such as capric, стеарински, palmitic, myristic and caprylic acids. They also contain small proportions of unsaturated fatty acids, and have a pale yellow color. Coconut fatty acids are obtained by the hydrolysis of coconut oil, which may be hydrogenated before the process of distillation. These coconut fatty acids easily mix with other types of fatty acids. Coconut fatty acids are used in the cosmetic industry in the formulation of creams, soaps, etc. Coconut fatty acids are used in various industries such as food and beverages, textiles, cosmetics and personal care, etc.

Да бисте добили примерак извештаја посетите: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/brochure/rep-gb-9396

Versatile Applications of Coconut Fatty Acids are Anticipated to Drive Market Growth

The increase in the demand for cosmetics and personal care products is expected to serve as a driver for the growth of the coconut fatty acids market. Coconut fatty acids have an important property of emulsification, which helps promote dispersion of the ingredients that do not dissolve properly. Therefore, manufacturers in the cosmetic industry can incorporate coconut fatty acids in personal care products such as soaps, creams, lotions, etc., to blend the liquids that have a different viscosity, and to mix a variety of colors. The increasing demand for lotions, anti-aging creams, bath products, etc., is anticipated to fuel the demand for coconut fatty acids in the cosmetic industry.

The emulsification property also helps improve the texture, taste, consistency, and quality of food and beverage products. The major requirement of manufacturers in the food and beverage industry is to develop high-quality products, and to maintain consistency in the taste and texture of the end products. Thus, coconut fatty acids can be used to preserve the consistency of end products.

In recent years, awareness regarding health and the environment has increased among consumers. Consumers consider many factors such as cost, ingredient list, environmental aspects, health benefits, etc., before purchasing a product. Due to the increase in awareness about the side effects due to the use of chemical cosmetics, consumers are inclining towards the use of plant-based cosmetic products. Therefore, coconut fatty acids can be used in the formulation of cosmetic products, since they are plant-derived fatty acids.

Coconut Fatty Acids Market: Regional Analysis

The influence of Western culture, changing lifestyles, increase in disposable income, etc., are some of the major drivers for the increase in the demand for cosmetic products in the Asia Pacific region. This increase in the demand for cosmetic products in the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to have a positive impact on the growth of the coconut fatty acids market. The raw material, i.e. coconut, required for coconut fatty acid production is majorly produced in the South Asian region, and thus, this creates an opportunity for companies to establish themselves in this region. Therefore, the increasing demand for cosmetic products and the abundant availability of raw material are anticipated to serve as drivers for the growth of the coconut fatty acids market.

Прегледајте цео извештај на:  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/coconut-fatty-acids-market

Coconut Fatty Acids Market: Key Participants

Some of the main market participants in the coconut fatty acids market are:

  • Cailà & Parés
  • Univar Inc.
  • Годреј Индустриес Лимитед
  • Као Цорпоратион
  • Timur Oleochemicals Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
  • Vantage Specialty Chemicals, Inc.
  • Redox Pty Ltd
  • Twin Rivers Technologies, Inc.
  • Henry Franc SAS

The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the coconut fatty acids market, and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as product type and end use.

Извештај покрива исцрпне анализе о:

  • Coconut Fatty Acids Market Segments
  • Маркет Динамицс
  • Величина продавнице
  • Понуда и тражња
  • Тренутни трендови / питања / изазови
  • Competition Landscape and Emerging Market Participants
  • Technology Related to the Production/Processing of Coconut Fatty Acids
  • Value Chain Analysis of the Market

Регионална анализа укључује:

  • Северна Америка (САД, Канада)
  • Латинска Америка (Мексико, Бразил)
  • Европа (Немачка, Велика Британија, Француска, Италија, Шпанија, Пољска, Русија)
  • Источна Азија (Кина, Јапан, Јужна Кореја)
  • Јужна Азија (Индија, Тајланд, Малезија, Вијетнам, Индонезија)
  • Океанија (Аустралија, Нови Зеланд)
  • Блиски исток и Африка (земље ГЦЦ, Турска, Северна Африка, Јужна Африка)

The coconut fatty acids market report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, and inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The coconut fatty acids market report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators, and governing factors, along with market attractiveness as per segment. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.

Coconut Fatty Acids Market: Segmentation

The coconut fatty acids market can be segmented on the basis of product type and end use:

Whole Coconut Fatty Acids

  • Hydrogenated Whole Coconut Fatty Acids
  • Unhydrogenated Whole Coconut Fatty Acids

White Coconut Fatty Acids

  • Low IV White Coconut Fatty Acids
  • Stripped Low IV White Coconut Fatty Acids

On the basis of end use, the coconut fatty acids market can be segmented as:

  • Индустрија хране и пића
  • Personal Care and Cosmetic Industry
  • Текстилна индустрија
  • Фармацеутска индустрија
  • Others (Industrial Surfactants, Metal Works, Paints, Coatings, etc.)

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О будућим тржишним увидима (ФМИ)
Футуре Маркет Инсигхтс (ФМИ) је водећи провајдер тржишних обавештајних и консултантских услуга, који пружа услуге клијентима у преко 150 земаља. ФМИ има седиште у Дубаију и има центре за испоруку у Великој Британији, САД и Индији. ФМИ-јеви најновији извештаји о истраживању тржишта и анализа индустрије помажу предузећима да се снађу у изазовима и донесу критичне одлуке са самопоуздањем и јасноћом усред вртоглаве конкуренције. Наши прилагођени и синдиковани извештаји о истраживању тржишта дају увиде који се могу применити и који подстичу одрживи раст. Тим аналитичара на челу са стручњацима у ФМИ-у континуирано прати нове трендове и догађаје у широком спектру индустрија како би осигурао да се наши клијенти припреме за растуће потребе својих потрошача.


Будући увид у тржиште,
Јединица бр.: 1602-006
Јумеирах Баи 2
Број парцеле: ЈЛТ-ПХ2-Кс2А
Куле језера Јумеирах
Уједињени арапски Емирати

Изворна веза


  • This increase in the demand for cosmetic products in the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to have a positive impact on the growth of the coconut fatty acids market.
  • The increase in the demand for cosmetics and personal care products is expected to serve as a driver for the growth of the coconut fatty acids market.
  • Therefore, the increasing demand for cosmetic products and the abundant availability of raw material are anticipated to serve as drivers for the growth of the coconut fatty acids market.

О аутору

Аватар Линде Хохнхолц

Линда Хохнхолз

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