Тржиште метил циклохексана 2017 од стране глобалних кључних играча, типова, апликација, земаља, величине индустрије и прогнозе до 2027.

Methyl Cyclohexane Market: Интродуцтион

An organic compound methyl cyclohexane falls in the category of saturated hydrocarbon having chemical formula CH3C6H11. In terms of physical appearance methyl cyclohexane is in liquid form with no color and has faint odor. On lab and commercial level, toluene undergoes the hydrogenation reaction to form methyl cyclohexane compound. The methyl cyclohexane is chemically stable and shows nontoxic properties and also shows more eco-friendly characteristics then toluene. Many hazardous solvents such as tri-chloro ethane and toluene are used in different industries, but now these solvents are replaced by methyl cyclohexane in numerous applications. Methyl cyclohexane commercially available in terms of purity, i.e., the compounds having purity greater than 99% and the compounds having purity between 98% and 99%. Based on purity, the methyl cyclohexane is adopted in different applications.

Затражите узорак да бисте добили аутентичну анализу и свеобухватан увид у тржиште. https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-5954

Methyl cyclohexane is also available globally in terms of grade, i.e., industrial and non-industrial grades. Industrial grade is generally used in the application such as fuels and their additives, adhesives & sealants, functional fluids to name a few. On the other hand, non-industrial grade is used in the consumer product segments such as rubber, plastic products. Methyl cyclohexane on very large scale consumes as dye solvent in the manufacturing of optical discs, solvents in the formulation of inks, paints and coatings. In the adhesive industry the cyclohexane is referred as a green solvent. Numerous other applications where methyl cyclohexane finds adoption and consumption in large scale are nylon production, rubber manufacturing, and laboratory chemicals to name a few.

Methyl Cyclohexane Market: Drivers and Restraints

The market for methyl cyclohexane is showing a positive growth in the past few years and the same roadmap is expected to follow in the near future for 8 to 10 years. There are numerous factors for the increase in the adoption of methyl cyclohexane across the globe. One of the key factors for the increase in consumption of methyl cyclohexane is its numerous properties that help them to substitute the solvents, such as tri-chloro ethane and toluene in different applications. The growth in global population and rising disposable income enables the growth in numerous number of industries, such as automotive, consumer goods, electronics and many more.

Different products synthesize through methyl cyclohexane such as rubber, plastics are one of the integral parts of the aforementioned industries. So the upsurge in demand of consumer electronics, automobiles application is likely to fuel the methyl cyclohexane market in the near future. Also, the consumption of adhesives and sealants increases rigorously in the packaging paper and construction industries, which further increases the demand for methyl cyclohexane. Furthermore, numerous manufactures that are previously manufacturing solvent based on toluene shifted their process for solvent manufacturing based on methyl cyclohexane in order to reap the benefits. However, there are some restraining factor that act as a stumbling block in the adoption of methyl cyclohexane, such as some characteristics of methyl cyclohexane that makes it hazardous to environment and health. It is also responsible for creating petrochemical smog and further creates air pollution. Methyl cyclohexane does not mix with the soil but mixes well with the underground water, which is vulnerable for the aquatic life.

Откријте више о анализи извештаја са сликама и табелама података, заједно са садржајем. Захтев за ТОЦ- https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-5954

Methyl Cyclohexane Market: Regional Outlook

Asia Pacific is one of the key regions that is likely to expand rapidly during the forecast period due to rapid growth in demand for consumer goods, automobile and adhesives within the region.  Rapid infrastructural and industrial development in countries such as China and India leads to increase in industrial usage of methyl cyclohexane. Developing regions such as NA and Europe show considerable amount of consumption of methyl cyclohexane in numerous applications and are forecasted to grow at a steady rate. Emerging regions such as LA and the MEA provide growth opportunities for manufactures owning to expansion of end-use industries and forecasted to grow at a healthy CAGR.

Methyl Cyclohexane Market: Key Participants

Examples of some of the market participants in the global methyl cyclohexane market identified across the value chain include:

  • Цхеврон Пхиллипс Цхемицал
  • TASCO Group
  • Ловац
  • Changyi Daan Fine Chemical
  • Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group
  • Jubang Chemical
  • Baling Huaxing
  • Dechang Chemical
  • Luyuan Chemical
  • Тотал Са
  • Sankyo Chemical
  • Maruzen Petrochemical
  • Changde Chemical

Извештај о истраживању представља свеобухватну процену тржишта и садржи промишљене увиде, чињенице, историјске податке и статистички подржане и индустријски потврђене податке о тржишту. Такође садржи пројекције користећи одговарајући скуп претпоставки и методологија. Извештај о истраживању пружа анализе и информације према тржишним сегментима као што су земљописне локације, примена и индустрија.

Извештај покрива анализу издувних гасова на:

  • Тржишни сегменти
  • Маркет Динамицс
  • Величина продавнице
  • Потражња понуда
  • Тренутни трендови / питања / изазови
  • Конкуренција и укључене компаније
  • технологија
  • Ланац вредности

Регионална анализа укључује:

  • Северна Америка (САД, Канада)
  • Латинска Америка (Мексико. Бразил)
  • Западна Европа (Немачка, Италија, Француска, Велика Британија, Шпанија)
  • Источна Европа (Пољска, Русија)
  • Азијско-пацифички регион (Кина, Индија, АСЕАН, Аустралија и Нови Зеланд)
  • Јапан
  • Блиски Исток и Африка (ГЦЦ државе, С. Африка, Северна Африка)

Извештај представља компилацију информација из прве руке, квалитативне и квантитативне процене од стране индустријских аналитичара, инпута стручњака из индустрије и учесника у индустрији широм ланца вредности. Извештај пружа детаљну анализу кретања на матичном тржишту, макроекономске показатеље и управљачке факторе, заједно са тржишном атрактивношћу по сегментима. Извештај такође мапира квалитативни утицај различитих тржишних фактора на тржишне сегменте и географске прилике.

Захтев за претходну књигу извештаја: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/5954

Methyl Cyclohexane Market: Segmentation

On the basis of Grade, the methyl cyclohexane market can be segmented as:

  • Индустриал Граде
  • Non-Industrial Grade

On the basis of purity, the methyl cyclohexane market can be segmented as:

  • Purity > 99%
  • Purity (98%-99%)

On the basis of Application, the methyl cyclohexane market can be segmented as:

  • Гума
  • премазивање
  • Органска синтеза
  • Лепкови и заптивне масе
  • Пластични производи
  • Chromatographic Analysis
  • други

Најзначајнији извештаји:

  • Детаљан преглед матичног тржишта
  • Промена тржишне динамике у индустрији
  • Дубинска сегментација тржишта
  • Историјска, тренутна и пројектована тржишна величина у смислу обима и вредности
  • Последњи трендови и дешавања у индустрији
  • Конкурентан пејзаж
  • Стратегије кључних играча и производа који се нуде
  • Потенцијални и нишни сегменти, географски региони који показују обећавајући раст
  • Неутрална перспектива на тржишту

Изворна веза


  • The market for methyl cyclohexane is showing a positive growth in the past few years and the same roadmap is expected to follow in the near future for 8 to 10 years.
  • One of the key factors for the increase in consumption of methyl cyclohexane is its numerous properties that help them to substitute the solvents, such as tri-chloro ethane and toluene in different applications.
  • However, there are some restraining factor that act as a stumbling block in the adoption of methyl cyclohexane, such as some characteristics of methyl cyclohexane that makes it hazardous to environment and health.

О аутору

Аватар Линде Хохнхолц

Линда Хохнхолз

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