Преглед тржишта умрежавања заснованог на намерама Раст пословања и статус потрошње широм света, сегментација и покретачи, истраживање индустрије и тренд до 2026.

Вире Индиа

Selbyville, Delaware, United States, November 5 2020 (Wiredrelease) Global Market Insights, Inc –:The increasing demand for network infrastructure management as well as business goals and processes, are likely to favor the intent-based networking market outlook. The usage of advanced technologies like Network Orchestration, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and ML (Machine Learning), in order to manage the entire network processes is boosting the demand for IBN services as well as solutions. Furthermore, the intent-based networking solutions offer safe optimization and automation of network processes. Adding to this, it also reduces the network downtimes, delivery time by automated configuration capacities, and human interventions.

The deployment of intent-based networking solution throughout a network infrastructure is dull task because it generally contains various operating systems and network components. This in turn expands the complex structure as well as the validation processes may get demanding, thereby hindering the adoption rate of intent-based networking solutions across undertakings.

As per a research report by Global Market Insights, Inc., Intent-based networking market is projected to surpass $4 billion valuation by 2026.    

Набавите примерак овог извештаја о истраживању @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/2758 

The software segment is likely to grow at a CAGR of nearly 25% over 2020-2026. The demand for these software solutions throughout small and mid-sized enterprises has also increased rapidly. The growth is ascribed due to deployment flexibility, control over network infrastructures, and cost benefits. Also, by removing the need for deployment of network components, IBN allows efficient network automation. Additionally, it also gives unified control of components which are linked distinctly, thereby helping enterprises in managing the network resources more efficiently.

In terms of deployment model, the cloud-based segment is likely to grow substantially with a CAGR of about 30% through the analysis period. In order to incorporate with cloud infrastructure components, the corporates are thus adopting cloud-based intent-based networking market solutions and services. The hybrid and multi-cloud platforms are integrated with virtualized overlays and APIs, thereby leveraging the IBN to decrease complexity. But, these cloud-based solutions do not work with all public cloud infrastructures, thereby hindering the market demand for cloud-based deployment models.

The adoption of intent-based networking solutions by healthcare institutions is also rising substantially and is further anticipated to grow with a CAGR of about 30% by 2026. These solutions are being adopted by hospitals for network automation and monitoring in order to simplify the tasks which are complex. Citing an example, Felix Platter Hospital, in January 2018, deployed the Intent-Based Networking solution of Cisco System for digital operations throughout its hospital infrastructure in Switzerland. The intent-based networking market solution further provided with patient collaboration system capacities, hospital network monitoring, and asset tracking. This further helped the hospital in reducing capital expenditure, and also removing the requirement for network expansion.

The intent-based networking market in North America registered a share of 55% in 2019. The existence of major IBN solution providers in the region will further contribute to industry growth. Companies are expanding their customer base as well as enhancing their offerings. Citing an example, Apstra launched Data Center Automation 3.0 solution in May 2019, mainly for intent-based data center operations. The solution included capabilities like VMWare vSphere connectivity and intent-based analytics. The upgradation of product further helped the company in serving multi-domain customers thus, helping them in lessening OPEX and CAPEX.

All in all, apart from few restraints caused by intent-based networking solution, the afore-mentioned factors are likely to offer a wide range of growth opportunities for IBN industry players. The competitive spectrum of IBN market includes companies like A10 Networks, Inc., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Juniper Networks, Inc., and Cisco Systems, Inc. among others.

Захтев за прилагођавање овог извештаја @ https://www.gminsights.com/roc/2758 


Chapter 5   Intent-Based Networking Market, By Component

5.1   Key trends, by component

5.2   Networking hardware

5.2.1    Networking hardware market size

5.2.2    Routers   Routers market size

5.2.3    Switches   Switches market size

5.2.4    Firewalls   Firewalls market size

5.2.5 Остало   Others market size

5.3   Software

5.3.1    Software market size

5.4   Service

5.4.1    Service market size

5.4.2    Professional services   Professional services market size

5.4.3    Managed services   Managed services market size

Chapter 6   Intent-Based Networking Market, By Deployment Model

6.1   Key trends, by deployment model

6.2   On-premise

6.2.1    On-premise market size

6.3   Cloud

6.3.1    Cloud market size

Chapter 7   Intent-Based Networking Market, By Application

7.1   Key trends, by application

7.2   IT & telecom

7.2.1    IT & telecom market size

7.3   BFSI

7.3.1    BFSI market size

7.4   Healthcare

7.4.1    Healthcare market size

7.5   Manufacturing

7.5.1    Manufacturing market size

7.6   Government & defense market size

7.6.1    Government & defense market size

7.7 Остало

7.7.1    Other sectors market size

Прегледајте целокупан садржај овог извештаја о истраживању @ https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/intent-based-networking-ibn-market

О увиду на глобално тржиште

Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц., са седиштем у Делавареу, САД, пружалац је услуга глобалног истраживања тржишта и консултантских услуга, нудећи синдициране и прилагођене извештаје о истраживању, као и консултантске услуге о расту. Наши извештаји о пословној интелигенцији и индустријским истраживањима нуде клијентима продорни увид и тржишне податке који се могу применити, посебно дизајнирани и представљени као помоћ у доношењу стратешких одлука. Ови исцрпни извештаји дизајнирани су путем заштићене методологије истраживања и доступни су за кључне индустрије као што су хемикалије, напредни материјали, технологија, обновљиви извори енергије и биотехнологија.


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Корпоративна продаја, САД
Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц.
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  • The usage of advanced technologies like Network Orchestration, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and ML (Machine Learning), in order to manage the entire network processes is boosting the demand for IBN services as well as solutions.
  • The adoption of intent-based networking solutions by healthcare institutions is also rising substantially and is further anticipated to grow with a CAGR of about 30% by 2026.
  • The deployment of intent-based networking solution throughout a network infrastructure is dull task because it generally contains various operating systems and network components.


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