Стручњак за сагоревање ће говорити на Ворлд Травел Маркету у Лондону

Слика Келли Свинглер љубазношћу ВТМ | eTurboNews | еТН
Kelly Swingler - image courtesy of WTM

World-renowned executive coach, burnout expert, inspirational speaker and author, Kelly Swingler, will be sharing her experience at WTM.


She will talk about how to have a successful career without jeopardising wellbeing at this year’s Ворлд Травел Маркет Лондон, 7th-9th November 7-9, 2022 at ЕкЦел.

Kelly, who is author of the acclaimed book, Mind The Gap: A Story of Burnout, Breakthrough and Beyond, will share her advice and insight about helping people achieve and lead a core-led life in a must-attend session organised by the Association of Women Travel Executives.

In 2013, after a 15-year leadership career, Kelly was burnt out, exhausted and missing out on life with her family. She realised that the way we are all working, isn’t working.

Since then, she has helped women from all over the world to succeed without giving up their career or jeopardising their wellbeing often appearing on TV and radio.

Kelly says: “How we are taught to define success is outdated and it doesn’t have to be this way.”

Anyone is at risk of burnout, but women in particular struggle with the difficulties of balancing work and caring responsibilities and are still doing far more unpaid work than men each week.

In a 2022 study called The Exhaustion Gap, which looked at the effects of Covid-19, two-thirds of women said they felt burnt out.

The study also highlighted the fact that women have been set back in terms of their careers over the past two years, with 66% not receiving any sort of pay rise since the start of the pandemic.

Two-thirds (64%) of women said they wished they had more time for themselves, while 53% want more time to invest in themselves, and their interests and hobbies.

What’s more, twice as many women as men reported feeling more isolated since the pandemic.  It is well documented that women bore most of the home-schooling responsibilities during the recent global pandemic, on top of juggling their regular jobs whilst working from home као и the increased cooking and cleaning duties that came as part of repeated lockdowns.

WTM Exhibition Director Juliette Losardo said:
“A core theme of World Travel Market 2022 is how we can rebuild business – with difference – to deliver a new future for the travel sector. After a challenging couple of years, work-life balance is of paramount importance to many. We’re delighted to have an expert of Kelly’s calibre tackling issues surrounding burnout and inclusion. We hope this inspiring session allows a time for reflection and a catalyst for real change’’

Lindsay Garvey Jones, Chair of the AWTE says:
“I am delighted that Kelly has agreed to join us at World Travel Market.  Kelly is a real inspiration, and clearly understands all about burnout and how to address the work-life balance that we all struggle with in a 24/7 travel industry. We are excited to hear what advice she has for us all.”

Kelly Swingler will be presenting on the Будућа фаза at World Travel Market London on Уторак КСНУМКС Новембар КСНУМКС at 13:45 – 14:45.

Региструјте овде

Ворлд Травел Маркет (ВТМ) Портфолио се састоји од водећих туристичких догађаја, онлајн портала и виртуелних платформи на четири континента. Догађаји су:

ВТМ Лондон, водећи глобални догађај за туристичку индустрију, је тродневна изложба за светску индустрију путовања и туризма коју морате да посетите. Емисија олакшава пословне везе за глобалну (у слободно време) заједницу путовања. Виши професионалци из туристичке индустрије, министри у влади и међународни медији посећују ЕкЦеЛ Лондон сваког новембра, склапајући уговоре о туристичкој индустрији.

Следећи догађај уживо: понедељак, 7. до 9. новембра 2022. у ЕкЦел Лондону

eTurboNews је медијски партнер за ВТМ.



  • A Story of Burnout, Breakthrough and Beyond, will share her advice and insight about helping people achieve and lead a core-led life in a must-attend session organised by the Association of Women Travel Executives.
  • Kelly is a real inspiration, and clearly understands all about burnout and how to address the work-life balance that we all struggle with in a 24/7 travel industry.
  • The study also highlighted the fact that women have been set back in terms of their careers over the past two years, with 66% not receiving any sort of pay rise since the start of the pandemic.

О аутору

Аватар Линде Хохнхолц, уреднице еТН-а

Линда Хохнхолз, уредница еТН-а

Линда Хохнхолз пише и уређује чланке од почетка своје радне каријере. Ову урођену страст применила је на местима као што су Хавајски пацифички универзитет, Цхаминаде универзитет, Хавајски дечји центар за откривање и сада ТравелНевсГроуп.

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