Сејшелска острва маме дуготрајне удаљене раднике

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Сејшелска острва маме дуготрајне удаљене раднике

The Seychelles Islands invite visitors around the world to take residence in the little corner of paradise through their Workcation Retreat Program – a blend of work and leisure in a tropical getaway.


  1. The home office has become the new normal for so many workers around the glob.
  2. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the desire to escape the mundane and work from a paradise location has taken off.
  3. Seychelles new program is open to all valid passport holders and encompasses various services that support remote working.

The program entices remote workers with an irresistible offer to relocate their office to the island destination for a long-term escape from the hassles of mundane life, a desire that has skyrocketed since the pandemic.

Visitors will be able to live and work in the tropical destination for a maximum period of one year.  It is to be noted that only visitors whose business and source of income is outside Seychelles, will qualify for the program.


  • The program entices remote workers with an irresistible offer to relocate their office to the island destination for a long-term escape from the hassles of mundane life, a desire that has skyrocketed since the pandemic.
  • Visitors will be able to live and work in the tropical destination for a maximum period of one year.
  • Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the desire to escape the mundane and work from a paradise location has taken off.

О аутору

Линда Хохнхолз, уредница еТН-а

Линда Хохнхолз пише и уређује чланке од почетка своје радне каријере. Ову урођену страст применила је на местима као што су Хавајски пацифички универзитет, Цхаминаде универзитет, Хавајски дечји центар за откривање и сада ТравелНевсГроуп.

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