Антигва и Барбуда награде за латиноамеричке туристичке агенције

Први програм награђивања и подстицаја дизајниран посебно за латиноамеричке туристичке агенте који продају Антигву и Барбуду покренут је данас.

Први програм награђивања и подстицаја дизајниран посебно за латиноамеричке туристичке агенте који продају Антигву и Барбуду покренут је данас.

Ексклузивни вебинар, „АиБГурусРевардс“, дизајнирао је и представио ЕМ Маркетинг & Цоммуницатион.

Лансирање је одржано искључиво за цео регион Латинске Америке уз целокупну подршку Туристичке управе Антигве и Барбуде.

During the opening, Charmaine Spencer, Marketing Manager of the Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority, gave an introductory speech about the program and destination, followed by Elsa Petersen, CEO of EM Marketing & Communication and Mario Garello, Head of Strategy. María Corrales Ruiz, Trade Relations Manager at EM, was in charge of the online presentation and explanation of the program for the assistants.

During the webinar, travel agents were able to get to know all the details about the program and how to score points in order to be able to obtain important benefits. They also had the chance to win Amazon Gift Cards and a stay at one of the ELITE Island Resorts All Inclusive hotels just for being participating on the launching. The winners of those rewards were announced through A&B social media.

Training and benefits for Latin American travel agents
AyBGurúsRewards together with the virtual campus were created by EM Marketing &Communication agency with the aim of improving the visibility of Antigua & Barbuda as a destination for the Latin American market.

Through EM campus virtual, tourism professionals interested in the destination can access to training programs and audiovisual assets. By completing the training program, they are also able to be certified as experts in Antigua & Barbuda and access the new awards and incentive program, AyBGurúsRewards.

“We are very happy with this project, I believe that AyBGurúsRewards is an excellent option to support the work of travel agents in the region. It will also be a great opportunity for both, the islands and those who work commercializing the destination. Antigua & Barbuda is a special place and offers travelers, who are already familiar with the traditional Caribbean, the possibility of enjoying a new high end tourism option, said Elsa Petersen, CEO of EM Marketing & Communication.”

Here is the link to the recording of the presentation, which was very entertaining and fast, because we tried to save time to ensure that the people who participated stay until the end, and that they contact us later:
[емаил заштићен]


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Харри Јохнсон

Харри Јохнсон је био уредник задужења за eTurboNews за више од 20 година. Живи у Хонолулуу на Хавајима, а пореклом је из Европе. Ужива у писању и извештавању о вестима.

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