Аутомобилско тржиште после тржишта бележи ЦАГР од 3.1%, неколико нових играча који ће ући у индустрију – Маркет.ус

Вредност global Automotive Aftermarket био USD 407.8bn in 2021. Between 2023 and 2032, it is expected to grow by 3.1% ЦАГР.

The automotive aftermarket is a segment of the auto industry that includes all businesses and service providers related to customizing and repairing vehicles. It is a fast-growing industry, with an annual revenue of over $1 trillion worldwide. You can divide aftermarket products into three groups: replacement parts (performance parts), appearance parts (appearance parts), and services that improve performance.

To keep a vehicle in good condition and safe operation, replacement parts are required. Performance parts are used for improving the vehicle’s performance. While appearance parts are used to alter or add functionality to the vehicle, they are also necessary. It is common to divide the aftermarket into replacement parts or accessories. It is actual equipment that the manufacturer doesn’t make. Aftermarket parts may be used to repair or replace parts in cars and other equipment. However, it can affect the price of an insured item.

Набавите пример ПДФ копије за комплетан извештај овде: https://market.us/report/automotive-aftermarket-market/request-sample/

Automobile drivers are the main driver of this industry. They want to improve their vehicles’ performance, including speed, exhaust sound, appearance, and speed. The digitized gateway design and high costs of research & developing are expected to limit the growth of the automotive aftermarket. The components’ overall cost will rise due to the shift in consumer preference towards intelligent and smart parts for their cars.

The main factor driving market growth is the growing awareness of consumers regarding the maintenance of their vehicles. Because of an increase in disposable wealth, the demand to make new vehicles with reduced fuel consumption and stricter emission norms by government initiatives increases the demand.

Маркет Дриверс

Technology advances are increasing

In response to increasing demand for environmentally-friendly vehicles, the demand for aftermarket parts like catalytic converters or electronic chips has increased.

Market growth can be aided by government regulations

Many countries have implemented strict emissions regulations that force product manufacturers into producing environmentally friendly, high-efficiency auto parts for their domestic and international markets. This is increasing the demand for the automotive aftermarket and expected to grow at an increasing rate over the next years.

Increased demand for comfort in vehicles

OEMs offer additional accessories for vehicles to satisfy consumer needs. This allows them to increase their market share and helps with the development of the automotive aftermarket.

Increase in disposable income

Aftermarket demand is growing due to changing lifestyles and rising disposable income. Luxury vehicles are becoming more desirable due to the increase in disposable income. Due to increased demand for aftermarket automotive products, there is a growing number of millionaires around the globe who design and remodel their vehicles.

За тренутну куповину: https://market.us/purchase-report/?report_id=13831

Тржишна ограничења

Ratifications for vehicle safety technologies

The vehicle’s technology is evolving, and the sensors are better equipped to allow for a more enjoyable driving experience. It also reduces the wear of brakes and other components. This prevents components from being replaced and slows down market growth for the automotive aftermarket.

Високи оперативни трошкови

Most people cannot afford to modify their vehicles. Parts of vehicles are only available to those who have the means to pay more. If this is more common, however, the price will have to drop so that the average person can afford it.

Тржишни изазови

– The impact on Covid – 19 pandemic

– Less retail and less workshop business

– Efficient transition to the electric vehicle industry

Кључни догађаји

* Goodyear purchased Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (February 2021). The combination combines two leading tyre businesses with complementary product portfolios, service offerings, and capabilities to make the US-based leader for global tyres.

Кључни сегменти тржишта:

Резервни делови

  • Гума
  • Браке Партс
  • Батерија
  • Делови тела
  • Филтери
  • Точкови
  • Lighting & Electronic Components
  • Турбоцхаргерс
  • Exhaust components
  • други

Дистрибутивни канал


            -Repair Shops


Дистрибутери и дистрибутери

Service Channel

  • DIFM (Do it for Me)
  • DIY (Do it Yourself)
  • OE (Delegating to OEM’s)


  • Certified Parts
  • Оригинални делови
  • Uncertified Parts

Top manufacturers: These are the major players in the automotive aftermarket market:

  • Компанија КСНУМКСМ
  • Делпхи Аутомотиве ПЛЦ
  • Цонтинентал АГ
  • Роберт Босцх ГмбХ
  • Денсо Цорпоратион
  • Федерал-Могул Цорпоратион
  • Валео Гроуп
  • ЗФ Фриедрицхсхафен АГ
  • Остали кључни играчи

Често постављана питања о овом извештају

  • Шта подразумевате под аутомобилским накнадним тржиштем?
  • How big is the automotive aftermarket industry?
  • Зашто се зове афтермаркет?
  • Which replacement part accounted for the highest share in the automotive aftermarket?
  • Which distribution channel led the automotive aftermarket?
  • What are the key driving factors for the growth of the Automotive Aftermarket Market?
  • What are the top players operating in the Automotive Aftermarket Market?

Најпопуларнији извештаји:

Global Heavy-duty Automotive Aftermarket Market Величина | Статистика, могућности и извештаји 2031

Global Automotive Aftermarket Brake Friction Parts Market Раст | Најбоље акције компаније, регионалне прогнозе до 2031

Global Automotive Aftermarket Fuel Additives Market Прогноза | Кључни играчи и географски региони до 2031

Global Automotive Aftermarket Appearance Chemicals Market Тренд | Конкурентни пејзаж и прогнозе до 2031

Global Automotive Top 10 Aftermarket Components Величина | Глобална анализа удела за 2022. по регионалним сегментима 2031

Global Aftermarket Parts in Construction Market Incredible Possibilities, Growth Analysis | SWOT Evaluation 2022-2031

Global Cleaner & Degreaser Aftermarket Growth | Будући трендови, стратегије развоја, прогноза до 2031. године

Global CNG Compressor Aftermarket Market Тренд | Возачи и статус индустрије од 2022. до 2031. године

О Маркет.ус

Маркет.УС (Поверед би Прудоур Привате Лимитед) специјализована је за дубинско истраживање и анализу тржишта и доказује своју снагу као консултантска и прилагођена компанија за истраживање тржишта, осим што је веома тражена компанија за синдицирано истраживање тржишта.

Контакт подаци:

Глобални тим за развој пословања – Маркет.ус

Адреса: 420 Лекингтон Авенуе, Суите 300 Њујорк, Њујорк 10170, Сједињене Државе

Телефон: +1 718 618 4351 (Међународни), Телефон: +91 78878 22626 (Азија)

Е-маил: [емаил заштићен]


  • The automotive aftermarket is a segment of the auto industry that includes all businesses and service providers related to customizing and repairing vehicles.
  • This is increasing the demand for the automotive aftermarket and expected to grow at an increasing rate over the next years.
  • The vehicle’s technology is evolving, and the sensors are better equipped to allow for a more enjoyable driving experience.


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Линда Хохнхолз

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