ЕУ дигитални ЦОВИД сертификат: кључ за међународна путовања

Member states will remain responsible to decide which public health restrictions can be waived for travelers, but they will also have to apply such waivers in the same way to travelers holding a Digital Green Certificate.

The Digital Green Certificate will be valid in all EU Member States and open for Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, as well as Switzerland. The Digital Green Certificate should be issued to EU citizens and their family members regardless of their nationality. It should also be issued to non-EU nationals who reside in the EU and to visitors who have the right to travel to other Member States.

The Digital Green Certificate system is a temporary measure. It will be suspended once the World Health Organization (WHO) declares the end of the COVID-19 international health emergency.



О аутору

Линда Хохнхолз, уредница еТН-а

Линда Хохнхолз пише и уређује чланке од почетка своје радне каријере. Ову урођену страст применила је на местима као што су Хавајски пацифички универзитет, Цхаминаде универзитет, Хавајски дечји центар за откривање и сада ТравелНевсГроуп.

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