Глобално тржиште соларних микро инвертера проширило се на 16.6% ЦАГР током периода предвиђања 2016-2026

The demand for solar micro inverters is expected to witness a significant upsurge on account of increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the need to improve overall system efficiency and safety. In 2016, the global solar micro inverters market is anticipated to register a y-o-y growth of 11.4% over 2015, and reach US$ 488.2 Mn in terms of market value. The escalating demand for solar micro inverters will continue to penetrate the market for module-level power electronics, owing to falling prices and upcoming products.

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The higher adoption of photovoltaic installations is a key factor driving the growth of the global solar micro inverters market. Moreover, rising preference for fully integrated PV modules or AC Modules, is anticipated to fuel the demand for solar micro inverters. The U.S. National Electric Code (NEC) also favours the usage of micro inverter technology and is driving the demand for micro inverters in the North American market. However, the use of power optimisers as an alternative to micro inverters can restrain the growth of the global solar micro inverter market.

On the basis of system type, the global market for solar micro inverters is expected to be dominated by Stand Alone system sales, followed by micro inverter systems sold for developing AC Modules, named as integrated systems. In 2015, the stand alone solar micro inverter systems procured global market share of 96.7%, and are expected to attain estimated revenues of US$ 471 Mn by 2016-end.

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By end-user type, the residential segment of the global market will continue dominance over the commercial segment by attaining a market share of 76.2% in 2016. Among residential end-users, changing consumer preference for more efficient and safe inverter alternative will prompt the replacement of conventional inverters with solar micro inverters. Dropping prices and rising commercial scale PV installations will incite extensive growth in the demand for solar micro inverters among the commercial segment as well.

Due to the varying use of micro inverters across the world, global players are concentrating on regions where awareness about using renewable energy resources is higher. Robust adoption of PV storage systems in the U.S. will continue to fuel demand for solar micro inverters in North America, and the region is expected to attain market value of US$ 282.2 Mn in 2016.

Moreover, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is expected to be a lucrative region for the growth of the global market. The growing trade of inexpensive inverters in China and India will boost the demand for solar micro inverters in APEJ region. The key players contributing to the growth of the global solar micro inverters market include, SMA, Darfon Electronics, ABB, APSytems, Chilicon Power, iEnergy, Enphase, NEP, SunPower, and Sparq Systems among others.

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Long-term Outlook: The global solar micro inverters market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 16.6% during the forecast period 2016-2026. Over the forecast period, North America and APEJ will continue to be the most profitable regions for the growth of the global market for solar micro inverters.

О будућим тржишним увидима (ФМИ)

Футуре Маркет Инсигхтс (ФМИ) је водећи провајдер тржишних обавештајних и консултантских услуга, који пружа услуге клијентима у преко 150 земаља. ФМИ има седиште у Дубаију и има центре за испоруку у Великој Британији, САД и Индији. ФМИ-јеви најновији извештаји о истраживању тржишта и анализа индустрије помажу предузећима да се снађу у изазовима и донесу критичне одлуке са самопоуздањем и јасноћом усред вртоглаве конкуренције. Наши прилагођени и синдиковани извештаји о истраживању тржишта дају увиде који се могу применити и који подстичу одрживи раст. Тим аналитичара на челу са стручњацима у ФМИ-у континуирано прати нове трендове и догађаје у широком спектру индустрија како би осигурао да се наши клијенти припреме за растуће потребе својих потрошача.


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1602-6 Кула Јумеирах Баи Кс2,

Број парцеле: ЈЛТ-ПХ2-Кс2А,

Јумеирах Лакес Товерс, Дубаи,

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Сајт: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/

Извештај: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/solar-micro-inverter-market

Изворна веза


  • The demand for solar micro inverters is expected to witness a significant upsurge on account of increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the need to improve overall system efficiency and safety.
  • On the basis of system type, the global market for solar micro inverters is expected to be dominated by Stand Alone system sales, followed by micro inverter systems sold for developing AC Modules, named as integrated systems.
  • Тим аналитичара на челу са стручњацима у ФМИ-у континуирано прати трендове и догађаје у настајању у широком спектру индустрија како би се осигурало да се наши клијенти припреме за растуће потребе својих потрошача.


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