Мексичка туристичка компанија Алдила Агенциа де Виајес придружила се УНИГЛОБЕ Травел мрежи


Aldila Agencia de Viajes, with four locations in the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon, has joined УНИГЛОБЕ Травел Интернатионал as a Global Partner.

UNIGLOBE Aldila is a family-owned business and has been serving travel clients in Northern Mexico for more than 40 years. The company is headquartered in the city of Chihuahua, where it has two locations, with additional offices in Ciudad Juarez and San Pedro Garza Garcia.

Owned by Alejandra Munoz and managed by son Rogelio Gonzalez, UNIGLOBE Aldila serves some of Mexico’s largest companies. “We already had a successful travel business but sought to join a larger network to serve our clients who travel globally,” says Gonzalez. “We chose the UNIGLOBE Global Partner program for its strong agency network and technology platform, which provide us with more buying power, local intelligence and international fare options.”

The UNIGLOBE Global Partner program is open to top-performing travel management companies in select markets. “I am pleased to welcome Alejandra, Rogelio and their team of travel professionals to our family,” says UNIGLOBE founder and chief executive U. Gary Charlwood. “Many successful TMCs want to join a franchise network but are reluctant to give up the systems that have made them successful. We created the Global Partner Program for these TMCs in markets where we do not have nearby franchise locations.”

With the new partnership, UNIGLOBE Aldila will also collaborate with UNIGLOBE agencies worldwide to provide local expertise and value for business, meetings and events clients travelling to Northern Mexico.

Радећи глобално на локалном пружању услуга клијентима у више од 60 земаља, УНИГЛОБЕ Травел користи савремене технологије и повољне цене добављача како би клијентима уштедео време и новац на пословном планирању и планирању путовања. Од 1981. године, корпоративни и рекреативни путници зависе од бренда УНИГЛОБЕ Травел како би пружио услуге које превазилазе очекивања. УНИГЛОБЕ Травел основао је У. Гари Цхарлвоод, извршни директор и има светско седиште у Ванцоуверу, БЦ, Канада. Годишњи обим продаје широм система износи 5.0 + милијарди долара.

Click here for more information about UNIGLOBE.


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