Новостворена улога потврђује посвећеност Антигве и Барбуде изградњи туризма

TORONTO, Ontario – “We are delighted to appoint Colin Skerritt, as Director of Tourism, Canada,” says Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Energy, Asot M

TORONTO, Ontario – “We are delighted to appoint Colin Skerritt, as Director of Tourism, Canada,” says Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Energy, Asot Michael, commenting on its recent appointment.

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority is pleased to announce that Colin Skerritt, of Antiguan heritage, has been named Director of Tourism, Canada, based in Toronto, Ontario. He begins his tenure as of July 5, 2016.

“Our objective is to increase visibility and prominence of Antigua and Barbuda in Canada. With a new airport, increased opportunities for airlift and multiple new properties on the horizon, it is an exciting time to take on this role and Colin’s experience makes him the most qualified to achieve these goals.”

Skerritt is an experienced and well-established travel tourism professional in the Canadian travel and airline industry, having implemented travel marketing programs across Canada and in Antigua and Jamaica for more than 10 years. He joined Air Canada in 2010 as a Global Accounts Manager with responsibilities for travel revenue growth in North America, Latin America, the Caribbean and UK. While at Air Canada, Skerritt managed the airline’s largest corporate and leisure travel management partners and also lead Air Canada Vacations relationship. Prior to Air Canada, he worked for Virgin Atlantic Airways as a Corporate Sales Manager developing strategic travel partnerships in Antigua, Jamaica and St. Lucia with a focus on the expansion of Caribbean business travel to the United Kingdom.

He recently gained significant press coverage as the host of the Air Canada Vacations national program rollout which featured a series of town hall press events for over 3,500 travel agents across Canada.

“Antigua has always been a very special place for me as it is the island where my parents were raised. Antigua offers Canadians an extraordinary Caribbean tourism experience. It is truly an exciting time to be in this role as Antigua and Barbuda are well positioned for exciting growth,” Skerritt said.

In his new position, Skerritt will be responsible for the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority operations in Canada. Mr. Skerritt holds a Graphic Communication Management Degree, from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

Антигва (изговара се Ан-тее'га) и Барбуда (Бар-биев'да) налазе се у срцу Карипског мора. Највеће од Заветринских острва, Антигва и Барбуда, обухвата 108 квадратних миља. 365 белих и ружичастих пешчаних плажа, по једна за сваки дан у години, само су почетак блага које чека посетиоце. Богата историја Антигве и спектакуларна топографија пружају низ популарних могућности за разгледање. Нелсоново бродоградилиште, једини преостали пример грузијске тврђаве коју су наручили Британци 1755. године, можда је најпознатија знаменитост. Бетти'с Хопе, изграђена 1674. године, је место једне од првих великих плантажа шећера на Антигви и нуди прилику да се вратите у време посетом обновљеним млиновима. Још једна јединствена атракција је Ђавољи мост, који се налази на источном делу острва у Националном парку Индијан Таун, где су ломи Атлантика исклесали природни лук од кречњака. Антигва се може похвалити разноликим календаром туризма укључујући догађаје као што су Светска класа једрења у Антигви, регата класичних јахти, спортски риболов на Антигви и годишњи карневал; познат као Највећи летњи фестивал на Карибима. Смештај на острву се креће од луксузних, бутик одмаралишта и алл-инцлусиве хотела до мањих, интимнијих бутик пансиона и викендица.

За информације о Антигви и Барбуди посетите посетитеантигуабарбуда.цом or антигуабарбудабузз.цом и настави даље Twitter, фацебоок, и инстаграм.


  • With a new airport, increased opportunities for airlift and multiple new properties on the horizon, it is an exciting time to take on this role and Colin's experience makes him the most qualified to achieve these goals.
  • Skerritt is an experienced and well-established travel tourism professional in the Canadian travel and airline industry, having implemented travel marketing programs across Canada and in Antigua and Jamaica for more than 10 years.
  • Betty's Hope, built in 1674, is the site of one of the first full-scale sugar plantations on Antigua, and offers a chance to step back into time by visiting the restored mills.


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