П&О Цруисес Аустралиа продужава своју паузу у операцијама до децембра

П&О Цруисес Аустралиа продужава своју паузу у операцијама до децембра
П&О Цруисес Аустралиа продужава своју паузу у операцијама до децембра

П&О крстарења Аустралијом is extending its rolling pause in operations from Аустралија to 2 December this year as the cruise line continues to take guidance from authorities, public health experts and society on restarting sailing.

And to support guests’ peace-of-mind during these times, P&O has extended its flexible payment and cancellation policy – called ‘P&O Assurance’ – even further to the end of next year’s summer holidays.   Guests can now cancel their booking for any reason up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date of departure for sailings to КСНУМКС јануар, КСНУМКС and receive a future cruise credit to the value of the fare paid.

P&O Cruises President Sture Myrmell said extending the rolling pause until 2 December (inclusive) – and the start of summer – was aimed at providing our guests with an opportunity to plan ahead.

“It is clear that society is not yet ready to return to sailing and we will continue to liaise with governments and public health experts as all align on how people should gather and holiday,” Mr Myrmell said.

“Like our loyal guests, we remain hopeful that the start of summer will bring new opportunities for the entire travel and tourism industry, which contributes so much to many regional economies around Аустралија.

“We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of our guests who are looking forward to being back onboard as much as we are.  In the meantime, we are trying to provide guests with as much certainty as possible and flexibility around their bookings while we all wait for the day when cruising resumes.”

The latest changes in operations are:

The extended pause in operations will affect the following cruises:

Pacific Adventure: V061, V062 and V063

Pacific Explorer: X047, X048, X049, X050 and X051

Pacific Dawn: W054, W055N, W056N, W058 and W059

Pacific Aria: A052, A053, A054, A055, A056, A057 and A058

Booking and refund options for cancelled cruises from КСНУМКС Август, КСНУМКС

П&О ће ступити у контакт са гостима чија су крстарења погођена, било директно или преко њиховог именованог туристичког агента, како би их обавестио о овом развоју и опцијама које су им доступне.

Guests who have not yet received an offer in response to a cruise that was cancelled during P&O’s pause in operations are entitled to a full refund or bonus onboard credit if they choose a future cruise credit. All guests on select cruises including the popular Melbourne Cup itinerary, can opt to move their booking to the same time next year and receive bonus onboard credit.

P&O will pay refunds back to travel agents for guests who booked through that channel. The cruise line will also protect travel agent commissions on all bookings for cancelled cruises that were paid in full as at КСНУМКС Август, КСНУМКС and for the total amount of the future cruise credits.

Гости са резервацијама на које утиче пауза у раду, могу да прате напредак свог будућег кредита за крстарење или захтева за повраћај новца путем новог алата за праћење који се налази на веб локацији компаније П&О.



  • Гости који још нису добили понуду као одговор на крстарење које је отказано током П&О-ове паузе у раду, имају право на потпуни повраћај новца или бонус на броду ако одаберу кредит за будуће крстарење.
  •    Guests can now cancel their booking for any reason up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date of departure for sailings to 31 January, 2021 and receive a future cruise credit to the value of the fare paid.
  • The cruise line will also protect travel agent commissions on all bookings for cancelled cruises that were paid in full as at 26 August, 2020 and for the total amount of the future cruise credits.


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Харри Јохнсон

Харри Јохнсон је био уредник задужења за eTurboNews за више од 20 година. Живи у Хонолулуу на Хавајима, а пореклом је из Европе. Ужива у писању и извештавању о вестима.

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