Тржиште намештаја 2020 | Раст, статус и прогноза до 2026

Вире Индиа

Rising investments in residential buildings supported by material & technological advancements, offering durability and innovative storage solutions are propelling the furniture market growth. Rapid urbanization coupled with increasing disposable incomes, particularly in emerging economies, is positively influencing the residential furniture market expansion.

The U.S., China, Japan, India, and Brazil are among the potential countries for market growth. As per Furniture Today report published in 2017, the U.S. is the largest furniture importer globally, registered over USD 24.5 billion imports. Residential construction is the fastest growing segment in the North American construction market. Substantially lower lending rates coupled with higher consumer spending are among the major factors which makes the region most lucrative for furniture manufacturers.

Затражите примерак овог извештаја о истраживању: https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/3024

Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region in construction owing to reduced interest rates and growing FDI inflows. The growing tourism supported by expanding hospitality industry, particularly in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, is fueling demand in the commercial sector. For instance, as per the India Ministry of Tourism, the number of tourists in the country has grown from 5.78 million in 2010 to 8.03 million in 2015.

Rise in standard of living owing to increasing disposable incomes, growing purchasing power, and willingness to live in a better environment is driving the investments on home improvement & decoration in China. Reduced product prices owing to the increasing competitiveness in the country’s furniture market are supporting the business expansion.

European furniture industry includes over 130,000 companies generating an annual turnover of around USD 110 Billion. EU production satisfies the majority of the in-home demand. The region consumes around 85% of its total production in 2017. Growing demand for imported furniture is limiting the local manufacturing market share.

Consumer expectations and consumption patterns in different regions are also important factors to be considered in the furniture market. Workforces in this industry regularly act as their own negotiators in debates between the retailers and manufacturers. Wholesale suppliers often procure from the manufacturers and distribute them to departmental stores and specialty shops.

Wood accounted for over 60% of the demand and is expected to continue its dominance in the industry over the forecast period. Some of the commonly used wood across furniture market includes Mahogany, Teak, Fir, Cedar, Redwood, Birch, etc. Based on its physical edifice, wood can be classified as a softwood and hardwood. Softwood makes medium density products while the hardwood is widely used for making high-quality furniture.

Захтев за прилагођавање: https://www.gminsights.com/roc/3024

Commercial furniture market generated over USD 150 million in 2017. Rapid commercialization across developing economies along with the subsequent mandate for operational spaces fueling industry growth. Thus, the thrust on real estate construction is expected to sustain over the forecast timeline, thereby ensuring a sustainable growth for the industry participants.

The residential sector is expected to witness over 5% CAGR up to 2024. Increasing necessity to accommodate rising population is anticipated to drive the residential market over the forecast timeframe. Socioeconomic development along with housing subsidies by governments will positively impact the industry expansion. Household renovations have observed a strong demand in the past and are anticipated to witness significant gains over the forecast timespan.

Europe is projected to exceed USD 200 billion revenue by 2024. The industry growth is attributed to the fact that the production of regional players originating from plants outside the region (e.g., China) has been growing over the last decade. A quarter of the world’s furniture market is accounted from Europe. Germany, Italy, Poland, and France rank among the top 10 global manufacturers and cumulatively account for a 13% share of global production.

The global industry share is highly fragmented due to a large presence of industry players in regional and global levels. Key industry participants are Ashley Industries, Inter IKEA Group, Steelcase, and Okamura Corporation, Herman Miller, Inc. and the Home Depot, Inc. Other prominent players are La-Z-Boy, Inc., Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and HNI Corporation. Product design, configuration, and after-sale service is the key concerning areas for industry players

Садржај овог извештаја о истраживању: https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/furniture-market

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Chapter 1. Methodology & Scope

1.1 Методологија истраживања

1.1.1 Почетно истраживање података

1.1.2 Статистички модел и прогноза

1.1.3 Увиди у индустрију и валидација

1.1.4 Дефиниције

By Material By Application

1.1.5    Assumptions, scope & forecast parameters

1.2 Data sources

1.2.1    Secondary Sources

Поглавље 2. Извршни сажетак

2.1 Furniture industry 3600 synopsis, 2013 – 2024

2.2 Пословни трендови

2.3 Material trends

2.4 Application trends

2.5 Регионални трендови

Chapter 3. Furniture Industry Insights

3.1 Сегментација индустрије

3.2 Industry landscape, 2013- 2024

3.3 Анализа индустријског екосистема

3.3.1    Raw material suppliers faced by the raw material suppliers

3.3.2    Manufacturers faced by furniture manufacturers

3.3.3    Suppliers & Distributors

3.3.1    Furniture Assemblers

3.3.2    Potential customers

3.3.3 Анализа дистрибутивног канала   B2B   B2C   E-commerce

3.3.4 Кретање профитне марже

3.3.5 Матрица добављача

3.4 Technology & innovation landscape

3.4.1    Computer Aided Design (CAD)

3.4.2    Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

3.4.3    CNC bending and cutting

3.4.4    New Materials

3.4.5    Innovation for sustainability

3.4.6    Innovation in Marketing

3.5 Најбоље праксе у индустрији и кључни критеријуми куповине

3.6 Consumer buying behavior analysis

3.6.1    Micro & macro-economic factors influencing demand   Upcoming construction projects

3.7 Регулаторни пејзаж

3.7.1 Северна Америка УС

3.7.2 Европа

3.7.3 Азијско-пацифички регион Кина

3.7.4 Латинска Америка   Mexico   Brazil

3.7.5 МЕА Africa

3.8 Pricing analysis, 2013 – 2024

3.8.1 Регионалне цене   Metal   Plastic   Wood

3.9 Raw material analysis

3.9.1    Metal

3.9.2    Plastic

3.9.3    Wood

3.9.4    Other materials

3.9.5    Raw Material Benchmarking

3.10 Снаге утицаја индустрије

3.10.1 Покретачи раста   Change in consumer buying behavior due to transformation in living styles across the globe   Rising replacement of aging infrastructure

3.10.2 Замке и изазови у индустрији   Limited availability of skilled labor to meet fluctuating consumer demand   Increasing cost and need to enhance supply chain visibility and efficiency

3.11 Trade Statistics

3.11.1    Major importing countries

3.11.2    Major exporting countries

3.12 Анализа потенцијала за раст, 2017

3.13 Competitive landscape

3.13.1    Company performance analysis

3.13.2 Контролна табла стратегије

3.14 Портерова анализа

3.15 ПЕСТЕ анализа

О увидима на глобално тржиште:

Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц., са седиштем у Делавареу, САД, пружалац је услуга глобалног истраживања тржишта и консултантских услуга; нудећи синдициране и прилагођене извештаје о истраживању, као и консултантске услуге за раст. Наши извештаји о пословној интелигенцији и индустријским истраживањима нуде клијентима продорни увид и тржишне податке који се могу применити, посебно дизајнирани и представљени као помоћ у доношењу стратешких одлука. Ови исцрпни извештаји дизајнирани су путем заштићене методологије истраживања и доступни су за кључне индустрије као што су хемикалије, напредни материјали, технологија, обновљиви извори енергије и биотехнологија.


Арун Хегде

Корпоративна продаја, САД

Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц.



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