9 од 10 афричких држава поставило се да пропусти хитни циљ вакцинације против ЦОВИД-19

Мере јавног здравља

“A combination of public health measures and vaccination – not one or the other – is the way out of this pandemic,” Dr Kluge insisted.

To encourage people to protect themselves and others from coronavirus, WHO-Europe and UNICEF Europe and Central Asia have launched a joint campaign with some key do’s and don’ts.

“If you choose to travel, do it responsibly,” Dr. Kluge said. “Be conscious of the risks. Apply common sense and don’t jeopardize hard-earned gains. Remember: wash your hands frequently, keep a distance, choose open settings and wear a mask. Avoid the three Cs; settings that are ‘closed’, ‘confined’ or ‘crowded’, will put you at higher risk.”


  • wash your hands frequently, keep a distance, choose open settings and wear a mask.
  • To encourage people to protect themselves and others from coronavirus, WHO-Europe and UNICEF Europe and Central Asia have launched a joint campaign with some key do’s and don’ts.
  • “A combination of public health measures and vaccination – not one or the other –.

О аутору

Харри Јохнсон

Харри Јохнсон је био уредник задужења за eTurboNews за више од 20 година. Живи у Хонолулуу на Хавајима, а пореклом је из Европе. Ужива у писању и извештавању о вестима.

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