Тржиште ваздушних акумулатора 2026: глобалне могућности, регионални трендови и анализа индустрије

Вире Индиа

The aerospace accumulator market is projected to observe tremendous growth over the coming years due to the increasing number of aircraft across the world. In fact, according to the leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus, there are expected to be approximately 48,000 freighters and passenger aircraft in operation across the world by 2038, a two-fold increase from the 23,000 aircrafts that are in operation today. In addition, increasing consumer inclination towards the use of air travel due to its less travel time and better convenience is slated to further complementing the overall market size. 

The economic and safer nature of air travel has further given a rise to the number of air passengers in recent years, which is fueling the aforementioned need for more airplanes. In fact, according to the reports by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) the number of people using air transport is expected to double by 2037 to 8.2 billion. While the coronavirus has severely impacted the aviation sector, in terms of long-term growth, the industry outlook is expected to be much more brighter.

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An increasing number of air passengers is driving the demand for aerospace accumulators across the Asia Pacific. The growing passenger numbers have been driven by the region’s developing economic conditions, increasing disposable incomes, and the rising prevalence of low-cost air carriers, creating lucrative revenue growth opportunities for the market.

Moreover, the increasing demand for military and commercial aircraft across countries like India and China is expected to further boost the regional aerospace accumulators market size over the coming years.

Meanwhile, key companies in the aerospace accumulator market are increasingly launching new products equipped with new features and the latest of technologies to retain a competitive edge over others. Taking March 2019 for instance, Parker Hannifin, a leading motion and control technologies company, reportedly launched its new Global bladder accumulator with a special gas valve built to be suitable for standard adapters.

The competitive landscape of the aerospace accumulators market is inclusive of players such as Parker Hannifin, Valcor Engineering, APPH Group, Triumph Group, Haydac Technologies, Woodward, Senior Aerospace, and Eaton Corporation among others.

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Chapter 4. Aerospace Accumulator Market, By Product

4.1. Global aerospace accumulator market product insights

4.2. Bladder accumulator

4.2.1. Процене и прогнозе глобалног тржишта, 2016 – 2026

4.2.2. Процене и прогнозе тржишта, по регионима, 2016 – 2026

4.3. Piston accumulator

4.3.1. Процене и прогнозе глобалног тржишта, 2016 – 2026

4.3.2. Процене и прогнозе тржишта, по регионима, 2016 – 2026

4.4. Metal bellow accumulator

4.4.1. Процене и прогнозе глобалног тржишта, 2016 – 2026

4.4.2. Процене и прогнозе тржишта, по регионима, 2016 – 2026

Chapter 5. Aerospace Accumulator Market, By Material

5.1. Global aerospace accumulator market material insights

5.2. Челик

5.2.1.    Global market estimates and forecasts, 2016 – 2026

5.2.2. Процене и прогнозе тржишта, по регионима, 2016 – 2026


5.3.1.    Global market estimates and forecasts, 2016 – 2026

5.3.2. Процене и прогнозе тржишта, по регионима, 2016 – 2026

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Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц., са седиштем у Делаверу, САД, пружалац је услуга глобалног истраживања тржишта и консултантских услуга. Нудећи синдициране и прилагођене извештаје о истраживању, консултантске услуге за раст и услуге пословног обавештавања, Глобал Маркет Инсигхтс, Инц. има за циљ да помогне клијентима продорним увидом и активним тржишним подацима који помажу у стратешком одлучивању.


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  • In fact, according to the leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus, there are expected to be approximately 48,000 freighters and passenger aircraft in operation across the world by 2038, a two-fold increase from the 23,000 aircrafts that are in operation today.
  • The economic and safer nature of air travel has further given a rise to the number of air passengers in recent years, which is fueling the aforementioned need for more airplanes.
  • Meanwhile, key companies in the aerospace accumulator market are increasingly launching new products equipped with new features and the latest of technologies to retain a competitive edge over others.


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