Греен Глобе потврђује Мовенпицк Ресорт Бангтао Беацх на Пукету

LOS ANGELES, California – Green Globe announced certification of Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach in Phuket, Thailand.

LOS ANGELES, California – Green Globe announced certification of Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach in Phuket, Thailand. Following the Movenpick Hotels & Resort’s philosophy to contribute to a positive future, this luxury property is committed to continuously improve sustainability efforts; social and environmental values have been placed at the center of all actions.

“Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket is proud to earn the prestigious Green Globe certification,” said Michael Wenk, Executive Assistant Manager at the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach, “We are continuously reinforcing our dedication towards environmental conservation and to the Green Globe standards. For us it is essential to always research new methods and technologies helping to reduce our eco-footprint. I would like to thank the entire team for their commitment and ongoing efforts to accomplish this magnificent award and international recognition.”

The Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket implemented a long-term sustainability management system; energy consumption is monitored on a monthly basis. A high-efficiency air condition inverter compressor model is installed for energy-efficient heating and cooling. Water reduction goals are set, and the property makes use of water from their own treatment plant, located in the city. The resort’s purchasing policy favors suppliers adhering to the best environmental and social practices. Guests can enjoy local art and architecture in the lobby and spa, and the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket supports community-related activities promoting the area’s nature, history, and culture.

Green Globe Certification’s CEO, Guido Bauer, commented: “We are delighted to award certification to the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket. Movenpick Hotels & Resorts commitment goes beyond environmental sustainability, and the company sets new benchmarks in the luxury hotel industry worldwide. The Bangtao Beach Resort impresses with their immense support of community development initiatives and donations to natural disaster funds. Movenpick Hotels and Resorts is one of the largest hotel groups to commit to Green Globe Certification for all properties worldwide.”

The audit for the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket was conducted by Farnek Avireal, a leading sustainability consultancy. For additional information, please contact Sandrine Le Biavant, e-mail: [емаил заштићен] .


Movenpick Hotels & Resorts, an international upscale hotel management company with over 16,000 staff members, is represented in over 23 countries with 76 hotels, resorts, and Nile cruisers currently in operation. More than 30 properties are planned or under construction, including Paris (France), Soma Bay (Egypt), Chiang Mai and KohSamui (Thailand), Palawan (Philippines), Dubai (UAE), Sanya (Haiman Island, China), and Djerba and Tozeur (Tunisia).
Фокусирајући се на ширење на основним тржиштима Европе, Африке, Блиског Истока и Азије, Мовенпицк Хотелс & Ресортс се специјализовао за пословне и конференцијске хотеле, као и одмаралишта, што одражава осећај места и поштовање њихових локалних заједница. Швајцарско наслеђе, са седиштем у Цириху, Мовенпицк Хотелс & Ресортс је заљубљеник у пружање врхунске услуге и кулинарског ужитка - све са личним додиром. Предани одрживом окружењу, Мовенпицк Хотелс & Ресортс постали су најпризнатија хотелска компанија на свету по Греен Греенбе-у.

Хотелска компанија је у власништву Мовенпицк Холдинга (66.7%) и Кингдом Гроуп (33.3%). За више информација посетите ввв.моевенпицк.цом.

Contact: Michael Wenk, Executive Assistant Manager, Mövenpick Resort, Bangtao Beach Phuket, 35 Moo 4, Cherngtalay, 83100 Phuket, Thailand, Phone +66 76 310 400, Fax +66 76 310 405, Email [емаил заштићен] , ввв.моевенпицк-хотелс.цом


Греен Глобе Цертифицатион је светски систем одрживости заснован на међународно прихваћеним критеријумима за одрживо пословање и управљање путничким и туристичким предузећима. Делујући под светском лиценцом, компанија Греен Глобе Цертифицатион има седиште у Калифорнији, САД и заступљена је у преко 83 земље. Греен Глобе Цертифицатион је члан Глобалног савета за одрживи туризам, уз подршку Фондације Уједињених нација. За информације посетите ввв.греенглобе.цом


  • “Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket is proud to earn the prestigious Green Globe certification,” said Michael Wenk, Executive Assistant Manager at the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach, “We are continuously reinforcing our dedication towards environmental conservation and to the Green Globe standards.
  • Guests can enjoy local art and architecture in the lobby and spa, and the Movenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket supports community-related activities promoting the area's nature, history, and culture.
  • Радећи под лиценцом широм света, Греен Глобе Цертифицатион има седиште у Калифорнији, САД, и заступљена је у преко 83 земље.


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