Норвегиан Цруисе Лине најављује празнична крстарења 2019

Норвегиан Цруисе Лине најављује празнична крстарења 2019

During the holidays, a vacation should put the family at ease, and cruising offers travelers stress-free planning, the opportunity to experience multiple destinations and the flexibility to cater to individual budgets and activities. With норвешки’s philosophy of vacationing your way, guests can spend their holiday out-at-sea, stress-free, doing what they want, whenever they want with whoever they want.

With that said, below are some of Norwegian’s holiday cruise offerings:

  • Норвегиан Давн Holiday Cruises to the Western Caribbean are perfect for the whole family! Guests enjoy Christmas on board with festive, family activities including sing-a-longs, caroling, gingerbread house making and a meet & greet with Santa Claus all while visiting the beautiful islands of the Caribbean including Costa Maya, Cozumel, Mexico and more.
  • Норвешки драгуљ Holiday Cruises go to the Southern Caribbean from New York. Escape the winter blues and visit and explore some of the most beautiful ports in the Caribbean for Thanksgiving, New Years Eve and Christmas!
  • Понос Америке Holiday Cruises sails year-round from Honolulu, Oaho on a seven-day inter-island cruise with nearly 100 hours in port time and the one’s in December are great for those who would enjoy a longer vacation during the holidays. Guests can partake in four-day pre-cruise tours in Honolulu and Oahu to experience traditions of the Polynesian Culture Center & Kualoa Ranch, wander through the surfing town of Haleiwa and honor lives lost at Pearl Harbor’s USS Arizona Memorial.

For more information about Norwegian Cruise Line and to book a cruise, please contact a travel professional, or visit нцл.цом.

Као иноватор у глобалним крстарењима, Норвегиан Цруисе Лине руши границе традиционалног крстарења више од 52 године. Најважније, линија за крстарење је револуционирала индустрију нудећи гостима слободу и флексибилност да осмисле свој идеалан одмор према жељеном распореду, без одређеног времена за ручавање и забаву и без формалних правила облачења. Данас, њена флота од 16 савремених бродова плови до скоро 300 од неких од најпожељнијих светских дестинација, укључујући Греат Стирруп Цаи, приватно острво компаније на Бахамима и њено одмаралиште Харвест Цаие у Белизеу. Норвегиан Цруисе Лине не само да пружа врхунску услугу гостима од копна до мора, већ нуди и широк избор награђиваних опција за забаву и ручавање, као и низ смештаја широм флоте, укључујући кабине за соло путнике, мини апартмане, спа центар -суитес и Тхе Хавен од норвешког®, концепт компаније брод-у-брод. За додатне информације или резервисање крстарења, контактирајте стручњака за путовања, позовите 888-НЦЛ-ЦРУИСЕ (625-2784) или посетите нцл.цом. For the latest news and exclusive content, visit the media center and follow the company on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube @NorwegianCruiseLine; and Twitter and Snapchat @CruiseNorwegian.


  •  Norwegian Cruise Line not only provides superior guest service from land to sea, but also offers a wide variety of award-winning entertainment and dining options as well as a range of accommodations across the fleet, including solo-traveler staterooms, mini-suites, spa-suites and The Haven by Norwegian®, the company's ship-within-a-ship concept.
  • Pride of America Holiday Cruises sails year-round from Honolulu, Oaho on a seven-day inter-island cruise with nearly 100 hours in port time and the one's in December are great for those who would enjoy a longer vacation during the holidays.
  • For more information about Norwegian Cruise Line and to book a cruise, please contact a travel professional, or visit ncl.


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