Блискоисточни руководиоци: Водећа авиокомпанија 2021

Валеед Ал Алави:

Well, we are pushing full speed ahead for digitalization. We would like to improve our position and we would like to improve the connectivity with our passengers. We have connectivity through WhatsApp, Facebook. We have web chats with our passengers and so on, and don’t forget all these apps, give the passengers the confidence that no virus will travel hopefully through the technology that we use nowadays. We are one of the pilot airlines as well to work with IATA on the Travel Pass. So that is actually something we will look forward to rolling out full speed. We are still in trial phase, but we think that will actually support our passengers to come back and fly with us.

Рицхард Маслен:

Okay, and over to you, Mr. Abdul Wahab Teffaha about technology. What are you advising your member airlines? What’s your view from the group above, looking down on individual carriers in what they are adapting, what the general trends are? I think you’re on mute, Mr. Teffaha.

Абдул Вахаб Тефаха:

Извини због тога.

Рицхард Маслен:

Нема проблема.

Абдул Вахаб Тефаха:

I believe there are two tracks that can actually, I mean, let me say that the only silver lining in the COVID crisis is how technology was able to provide, I don’t say 100% alternatives, but alternatives for people to continue to communicate, to trade, and do business. And if we don’t take advantage of what the technology has provided us, then it’s going to be a big mistake. Now let’s see, this is why I said there are two tracks, one track, which is by airlines, airports, and stakeholders, and the value chain evaluation. The other track is by governments. And our strategy, which was approved by our board and our general assembly, we identified that technology is a priority for us to be able to harness, in order to continue the process of airlines, airports, and so on, and to getting to a touchless passenger experience. And to try to convince governments to do the same. Because what has happened, and what has transpired in the last almost year and half, is that businesses were able to adapt to the situation through the use of technology.

The problem is the governments, although I know understandably they take much longer, but not all of them have adopted and embraced technology as problem solvers. And this is where we are focusing our future efforts to try to convince part of that effort is definitely the IATA Travel Pass, and what we are trying to do is to convince governments to apply the same methods that they are applying to ensure the security of the air transport, to apply that and other processes which so far have not been being applied to. Security or immigration officers accept your boarding pass on a phone, accept basically now you’ll have the certificate on a phone, accept you to board by a boarding pass on the phone, why not accepting a proof of identity or a proof of visa on a phone? Imagine if this paradigm shift happens, what would be the future of aviation and the future of facilitation and the processing of passengers? So this is definitely a top priority for us.

Рицхард Маслен:

I think that’s the opening to a different world for aviation, and hopefully one that we can use this. They always say, “Don’t lose the opportunity of a good crisis to make the changes necessary.” And hopefully as an industry, we will take notice of that. Obviously one of the big key things now as well is going to be environmental sustainability. So Mr. Antinori how is an airline going to operate in the future? We’ve seen airlines are seen this as the bad boys, they’re seeing these polluters. It’s not a great reputation in the industry, but the industry is working really hard to minimize its environmental footprint. As an airline, how can you show the world that you are an environmentally sustainable business?

Тијери Антинори:

I think just by supporting all the people in the industry associations at IATA level originally here with ARCO, about all the multiple initiatives that are good. First of all, it will be an industry because we have to stand as an industry first of all. And so only at the airline level, we have different things we are doing, different measures, mainly to reduce the consumption of fuel. With weight, with different technologies, etcetera. And also by operating the right aircraft, by buying modern fuel-efficient aircraft, by being reasonable with the environment. And that’s why Mr. Al Baker decided to fully ground the Airbus 380 during the crisis, because economically it’s not a viable option. And also because of the environment, because with an Airbus 350-1000, you can transport almost the same number of passengers.

And the big difference with a 380 four engine, engine is that on same hold, the 380 is just producing 80% more CO2 emission, and accessory at less cargo capacity. That’s why that’s what an airline can do. One, supporting IATA, ARCO and the different organization, working on a crossindustry all initiatives and cert. Having the right fleet and operating the right fleet and having a responsibility around that, what we try to do, like many other airlines at Qatar Airways. We do not believe in the future of the 380 and on the four-engine aircraft. Because of that, I have a daughter she’s 14, for her sustainability matters. Maybe for some airline managers, sustainability doesn’t matter. For Mr. Akbar Al Baker sustainability matters.

Рицхард Маслен:

Okay. Well, thank you very much. Thank you everyone for joining us, we are short on time there. We have completed that session. So thank you very much for joining us. We’ve had a few little technical issues, but I think we’ve got through it. I hope it’s not been too much of a problem for everybody watching. Again, thank you very much for your time. Thank you for joining us and goodbye.

Абдул Вахаб Тефаха:


Тијери Антинори:


Валеед Ал Алави:

Thank you, and goodbye.

Рицхард Маслен:

Cheers. Thank you everybody. Thank you for that. And I think we got through it and apologies for any technical issues.



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